Thursday, September 6, 2007

Staying Strong

Hi to all our wonderful friends and family. Glad you all enjoyed Pat's new picture...a special thanks to the Meany's for that cool hat. Things are actually pretty mellow right now. We are just "patiently" waiting to begin the clinical trial. They are treating Pat with IV antibiotics to make sure he stays infection free, and every couple days he gets blood and platelet transfusions. He works out 2 times a day with the physical therapist and takes 2 laps each day around the unit. Boredom has definitely set in, but sometimes no news is good news. Chloe and I will be flying to New Mexico in the morning to watch Brock play soccer. Brady and Pat's family will be holding down the fort. They'd better not let him slide on his walking, or there will be trouble when I get back! My faith grows stronger everyday that we will dig ourselves out of this. Faith is a wonderful thing. Keep on praying and all are our lifeline. Have a great weekend and remember "there is always hope."


Anonymous said...

Pat ... get ready to do more than 2 laps around the unit! I say we kick it up and jog it! Wouldn't that be funny. Julie...bring Pat's red and white checkered Dolphin shorts and his tank top...we have some joggin' to do! Can't wait to hang out with you tomorrow. Sandy and I will be there in the late afternoon. Love you, Maribeth

Anonymous said...


In the "Seaons of Life" we experience many summers, falls, winters amd springs. We enjoy life with mountains to climb, valleys with new growth, the oceans that refresh and the deserts which make us all appreciate the others so much more. Winter can be a time for us to contemplate, plan, and set goals for a needed change. With your illness may you find the path to health and peace and then share this with others who will walk the path behind you. In this time of winter you are experiencing, it is our hope that you can gain the needed strength from your faith, family and friends that will enable you to walk through this winter into the new hope of spring that will flourish with promise.


Jim Rohn and Staff

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Pat!! Guess what day it is... It's SISTER DAY.. We can't wait to come and hang out with you and walk walk walk... See ya today.. I know you are SO EXCITED... Love ya, Sandy

Anonymous said...

Patrick and Julie,
Pat and I have been away for a few days, so we're catching up. You know we're rootin for you guys and hoping you get to take the Man home. We thought about all of you as we were traveling thru the desert. All those wonderful(crazy) river trips! Just to see T. Meany driving the boat with the water dong, as he called it, would be worth a reunion.
Thanks for the plug. Totally unnecessary though. Just wanted you guys to see the pics of Pettit and Clemens.
Hang in you guys! Until next time, Go Brock! Love, The Baryards

Anonymous said...

two laps! slow the hell down! lol as always we are all pulling for and well wishes from the parts dept!,Mason

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat,

Just thinking about you and wanted to say hi. Love, Dayna

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat, Just here on a Sunday and wanted to say hi
Go Packers