Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Battle Continues

Well, unfortunately we've hit another bump in this seemingly never ending road. Pneumonia has reared it's ugly head again. We are waiting for his bronchoscopy results to see what strain of pneumonia it is so they can treat him with the correct antibiotic. We are planning a trip downstairs and to the outside today...yeah!!! I think it will do Pat good to feel the sun on his face and breathe some fresh air, he hasn't been outside in 57 days. Words cannot describe how proud I am of my husband, he refuses to give in to this disease. I am so often asked where do I get my strength from, of course family and friends have been amazing, but Pat is my rock. Every night before I leave I make him look me in the eye and we repeat the same thing,"we will get through this." Faith, faith and more faith.
Brock is in St. Louis for soccer and Brady and Becky have gone along to support him. I'm glad Brady is getting a break, he has been such a pillar of strength. So it's girls weekend for Chloe and I, we'll visit Pat and maybe sneak in a pedicure. I want to apologize to all of you who call and I haven't returned your calls. Please understand all my energy is focused on keeping Pat strong and my children's lives moving in a somewhat "normal" fashion. I'm not ignoring anyone, it's just so hard to repeat the days happenings over and over. That's why this blog is so great, I can reach all of you. To everyone out there praying for us, please pray for Pat to fight off this pneumonia and to stay mentally strong. We are so grateful to have such a circle of faith, hope and love around us. Until next and good health to you all.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Julie for the update... You are constantly in my thoughts. I understand you not calling and wanting to repeat everything. Please know you can call me for anything at any time of the day.. I can drop everything and do whatever it is that you need. So, please call with whatever you need.
Love you, Sandy

Pat, Please stay strong!! You are so amazing and I am so proud to call you my brother... Love you, Sandy

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat,

Just wanted to let you know that you are still constantly in our thoughts. You sure are making the blog more interesting with all of your "speed bumps," but your ultimate recovery will just be more impressive given everything you will overcome.

I know how tough you are and I know you'll get through all of this with flying colors! Stay strong, keep fighting, and I look forward to seeing you everyday at work in the future.


Anonymous said...

Dear Pat and Julie,

To the most amazing people we know...wishing you plenty of fortitude with plenty of attitude! Keep up your wonderful determination and happier days are coming. Always here to root for you both!

Love, Dad and Jo Ann

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pat, If ANYONE can beat this nasty ugly disease you amazing big brother! I miss you and your sense of humor at the shop. I know we will get to bone marrow - these bumps in the road ARE NOT going to get us down. You are in my prayers every second of everyday! I love you and I wish I could take this Leukemia away! Julie, You simply amaze me with your strength and positive attitude. You Rock !!!
Love, Maribeth

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We Love You Smith family!!! You will get through this!
The Kaplans

Anonymous said...

I ditto that Maribeth, Jules does ROCK and she is Pat's rock right now. We love you Jules!

Anonymous said...

Just a note to let you know we are sending you positive vibes to stay strong! You are always in our thoughts. Sincere wishes for brighter days ahead.
Paula & Eric (Jo Ann's parents)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hang in there! Help is on the way! God Almighty! Keep the Faith!
David & Lis Keister

Anonymous said...

PAT, NEVER LIFT!!!(off the gas) Its a Racing term but I think it works for you too.

Anonymous said...

It seems odd that I would be the one at a loss for words. As most of you can attest, it doesn’t happen very often to me. The thing is what do you say at a time like this? Sorry about your problem? Get well soon? I’ll pray for you? For one of the few times in my life…I’m really not sure what the right thing to say is. Of course we’re all praying for Pat. It also goes without saying that we all hope he gets well soon. It’s just that none of those things seem to fit quite right for my liking. To be honest, the words that fit best, at least in my mind, are:
I love you.

When I received the call that Pat was sick I was in shock. When the opportunity came about for me to return to AHAB as a manager I was ecstatic. The opportunity was tremendous, but to be honest, if it meant helping Pat, I would have come back as a janitor (don’t get any ideas ). That’s how much I love that man. For those who don’t know… Pat can be a real jerk (I didn’t want to use the real word I was thinking of)! He is also one of the best men I know. He’s been great to me. Back in 1998 he took me in and put up with me and my big mouth. He encouraged me to learn and eventually pushed me to become an estimator. He knew how to keep me grounded, and more so, he knew how to pump me up again. No matter how hard he kicked my butt, I always knew that he respected me and that it was never personal. I learned more from him than he could ever know. I carried that over to Mercury where I became a supervisor. To this day, I can only hope that my employees felt the same way about me as I do about him.

Pat, we really need you to get your ass in gear and beat the crap out of that bully who’s knocking at your door. Hurry up! I know it’s hard, but like Bob said, there is no magic potion that we can give you to help. You need to beat his ass on your own. We’ll be here on the sidelines cheering you on, but you’re going to have to do it on your own. I for one know that you can.

Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking with it. I love you Pat.

Joe Corrales

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat,
Our prayers are with you every day for your recovery and family.
Are you able to watch the Angels games? This is another exciting season and on the way to the World Series. Look forward to seeing you soon. You keep the Faith and we'll keep Praying.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there guys! You can get through this bump like you have everything else that has come your way. You are an inspiration to all of us and a reminder of what is really important in life. Stay strong.
The Grishaber Family

Anonymous said...

Dear Pat and Julie,

I have had the extraordinary pleasure and opportunity to get to know your Dad and family over the past two years. Since you are a leaf off the tree so to speak, I know in my heart that with the support of your remarkable wife Julie, your incredible family, and wonderful friends and co-worker, you will beat this!!! I've gotten to know you and Julie under the hardest possible circumstances, but I see nothing but strength, encouragement and optimism! Like your Dad always says to me, there is no other way than positive!

With love and affection for all of you,

Jo Ann

Anonymous said...

It was great talking to you this morning! You sound great and I am sooooooooooo glad you feel good! Hurry up and come home because there is gonna be one heck of a party when you get out of there :) Love, Your Little Sis! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat,

Keep your head up and stay strong. Miss ya buddy.

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

Keep faith, we will too! We miss all of you. We love you Pat!
Rick and Linda Lamitie

Anonymous said...

Hi, Just thinking about you both...
Hope your having a nice day and got to go outside today... Keep up the faith and positive attitude... We all love you!! Dave and Sandy

Anonymous said...

Julie, Brady, Brock, and Chloe: Although I never met your Dad, it's clear that he was beyond being a very special husband, father, and man. We have all lost loved ones in our lives, and the period of grief can seem unbearable and everlasting. Our Lord has his plan, the one we will never fully understand, but will have faith in. Sure, that faith is rocked right now, but He is sovereign, and His plans are righteous and great. Pat is a model for us all. Those who know Pat were blessed, because he is truly a prime example of a good, genuine, fun person. What a wonderful thing to have him in your life. Kinda like when you go on a great vacation, or to a crazy, fun party, or experience a beautiful, fleeting moment, Pat left with all of us wanting more of Pat. Just read any blog. I pray that I can model my life after Pat's, but he set the bar waaaaaaaaaay up there! The entire Smith family gets it. Pass on the wisdom your dad and husband left you with, open his gift and share it. Last, always remember, "Death is not an exit, it's an entrance." Keep the faith, and celebrate a wonderful life, and a wonderful man.
