Monday, October 22, 2007

Short But Sweet

Well friends and family, Pat is back in the "slammer". We went in for what we though would be a quick appointment this morning and were told that Pat needed to be admitted. He picked up some "bug", thus the reason for the fever yesterday. Pat didn't even bat an eye, he just said.."I'll do my time." So we spent the bulk of the day in ETC (an emergency type room) getting IV antibiotics and waiting for them to clean our room on the 5th floor. Chemo was pushed back until tomorrow because of this freaking infection. This afternoon the Dr said she didn't expect him to be out for long anyway, she just didn't tell us that! His immune system is just too vulnerable. Before knowing he was going to be admitted, Pat wanted lasagne for dinner, instead he had tapioca pudding, an orange and gatorade. He hates hospital food, can't say I blame him. I feel like I hardly blinked and I'm at home once again without my best of his best friends (Dewey) however has his head on my lap. I am so thankful for Pat's will and determination, my love and admiration for him has such a richness that I've never known until now. I believe that is one of cancer's "gifts". I do need to thank everyone for all their inspirational blogs, my Mom made me cry but they were happy tears. To every person who has donated platelets, you're awesome, they are pumping through Pat's veins everyday!!!! Good night I am exhausted and feeling just a little lonely, but tomorrow is another day and I will pull myself up by the boot straps and march on. Please pray for Pat and his healing.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Pat & Julie,
Still in the mid-west, but check your blog each day. We are sharing you story with so many of our friends and family, and just know they have also added you to their prayer list. We are in the bible belt of the U.S. and talk about "Prayer Warriors", wow! Each morning we start our day with spending time with the Lord, and thank Him for His blessings, and praise HIm for the strengh He is providing for you and your entire family. We will continue to pray,pray, pray............He is in your corner, Remember He is your Father, and He will not leave you or forsake you.
Aunt Mary

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a chance to be out for a little bit. I know it was probably not as long as you wanted but i am sure it helped. Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you and our prayers are with you everyday.

For whatever its worth know that we strive to make our family as strong as yours and it is clear to me that your family is the best role model we could ever have! You guys are our inspiration.
Thank you...

Keep up the fight!!

The Kimble's

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat.....
Sorry to hear your back in the slammer! However, I know you enyoyed being "out" for the short stay. Being able to see your dogs must have very nice. I pray every day and night for your cancer to just go away. I hope you are able to rest easy back at City of Hope. always: any thing any of you need, I'll do what I can.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Hope you started your chemo today!! Always thinking of you both and know that this is just a temporary set back.. The air here in Laguna Niguel is yucky anyway..
Thanks again Julie for dropping off the breast cancer braclet last night for Lauryn she loves it... Like you don't have enough to do and your ringing my door bell last night... Like I keep saying I know you have alot of ANGELS watching over you!!! See ya soon, Love ya, Sista Sandy (One of your favorites)

Anonymous said...

Dear Pat & Julie,

The other day you mentioned a concern over some apparent cracks in the armor. Well, all I have to say in response is that I choose to believe that those "cracks" represent the healthy Pat we all know and love finally breaking through the darn cancer jail suit that has trapped him for far too long! Hang in there and when times get extra difficult or you're just too tired, let your family, friends and your faith carry you for awhile. Sometimes we all need a little more than just a shoulder to lean on. Sometimes we need to be carried...but just for a short while because we're all just too strong and love our families too much to ever give up hope. Hang in there!!!

Anonymous said...

Couldn't of said it any better than that!! How true Marianne!! Love ya, Sandy

Anonymous said...

Hi Uncle Pat! I want to make you a picture. Maybe when we go in the hospital again somebody can give it to you. I'm going to be Human Torch for Halloween and Ruby is Snow White. We will send you some pictures. Jack has a skull costume from my Aunt Robyn. I will save you some candy. How about some peanut butter cups?
Love and miss you
Beau and Ruby

Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how awesome it was to dial the house the other day and have Pat answer the phone. However it probably even felt better for Pat to be answering it! I loved talking with you about trips we are going to take in the future. The Nautical Inn is where half my childhood memories are and i can't wait to go there with you and your family and create new ones for my little ones.

Anonymous said...

Just checking in...hoping and praying the chemo started and you are feeling good. Are you up for visitors? Let us know - Mike and I want to come and hang out with you :) Lots of Love and Prayers, Maribeth

Anonymous said...

Hey Bud, Sorry to hear you are back in the slammer. Do your time and get back home where you belong. Take it easy Kyle

Anonymous said...

hEY Pat,

Hang in there guy. You'll be out before you know it. Swung by the shop today and Brian gave me a heads up on the happenings. Take Care, Dustin

Anonymous said...


You are in our prayers daily. Stay strong and GOD is on your side.

All Our Best,
Glen and Family

Anonymous said...

Prayers are coming your way stronger than ever. You are missed at AHAB.

Anonymous said...

we found a joke web site and thought you guys might have some fun.. :-)

enjoy laughing it's good soul food!

Lis and Dave